Mobius Strip Club
is an independent publisher founded by two friends.

Currently, we are in production
working on Dial-Up, a for-charity
Lemon Demon fanzine in a series
themed around Spirit Phone.

We are also working on
Entry_1, a scripted sci-fi story from the
perspective of an isolated crew member.
We plan to release All Himbos Go To Heaven,
a surreal musical about inner-city friendship,
love and “probably gay love, or something.”

About the Mobius Strip Club

We are two students currently attending school! Here follows the story of filler words; nope, not really. You have been fooled, there is no story here-- only filler! Filler for the filler god! Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler. "Why didn't you just use Lorem Ipsum?" While less practical and perhaps a waste of time, this method tickles me. Simply put, this is significantly more entertaining than a simple copy and past of that tried and true text.

If you want to know more about us or write a book report about us, check out our press-kit (sorry, this is still under construction). If you think you'd be an asset to our team, shoot us an email and you might be invited in!

If you ever find a mistake in our writing, writing or logistically, please tell us and we will do our best to resolve it.

More from the Club


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to keep up-to-date with all our projects!

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