This month's donation will be going to the
California Wildfire Relief Fund.

"This product's net-profit goes toward the monthly donation."

Items marked with the disclaimer will have a large portion of the price you pay (determined by the the price to make it subtracted from the price you pay, or the net-profit,) go towards the 'monthly organization' as listed above.

"This product supports independent creators."

Items marked with the disclaimer will have a portion of the price you pay go towards the contributor(s) who made it.
NOTE: For the first month of Dial-Up's release, all items marked with this will be added together and the total will be divided amongst every contributor.

Information about the monthly donation

We say "organizations" rather than "charity" for the reason that not all places we plan to donate to are charities. Some may be funds, non-profits, etc.
We plan to change the organization by month, rather than by item. Not only does this make it easier on us, but fairer for those who we donate to. This also allows us to stay relevant with our donations; if, lets say, a virus relief fund or if rioters were being sent to jail, when the next month rolls around we can focus on helping them out.